Test it easy!!
Are you new to software testing? Have you got a bunch of requirements to test for a business application? Not able to find where to start and how to ensure complete testing? Don’t worry, take it easy. Here are some tips for you.
Firstly, if you are totally new to the application domain, it’s better to get some basic insight by understanding some crucial terminologies, concepts and key workflows from its business area. It is also important to know the purpose of the application and the business challenges the application is addressing.
Then start reading the requirements documents, whatever form it may be like Use cases, System requirements specification (SRS), functional requirements specification (FRS) etc. While you read the document, ask some questions to yourself and create a big picture of the application in your mind or scribble it on a piece of paper.
- What is the core purpose of this application?
- How many different types of users are going to use this application and how? You may create a matrix showing a relationship between user roles, user transactions and respective authority levels.
- What are the business rules and business logic driving the application outcome?
- Which data entities are critical and how these entities are managed, accessed and modified in different transactions?
- Are there any scheduled jobs or backend processes which process the data or execute some transactions?
- What are different reports or other outputs generated by the application? It is important to understand the content and formats of the same.
- What kind of interfaces and dependencies the application has with other applications?
Then for each scenario, identify different conditions to test including positive, negative and boundary cases. For each test condition, identify possible data input variations to be made. Post it create a detailed test case for each test condition.
This approach would help you in drilling down from high level application features to lowest level of test case granularity.
Let’s take an example. Have a look at the following diagram that is created after understanding the requirements document for an online examination engine.
Every lowest level item in above diagram is a test scenario. The dependencies will need to be tested in integration test scenarios. Each scenario is then broken up further as below to identify test condition and test data.
This method would allow you to identify every single test condition and ensure coverage in a systematic manner.
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