Saturday, 1 November 2014

Software Testing

Software Testing :

For a tester, it is extremely important to understand the Software Development lifecycle (SDLC). The most crucial phase of SDLC is Requirements. Business analyst is a key role involved in this phase. Let’s understand this phase and business analyst’s role using a simple example of automation of travel company’s office.
Requirements phase focuses at progressively elaborating requirements. A ‘Business need’ is the first level manifestation of the requirements. Business needs can arise from
  • Existing problems like poor efficiency in handling customer’s travel requests or
  • Business challenges like ability to book tours from all offices across country even if they are at small cities.
  • New business opportunities like supporting medical tourism logistics or
  • Responding to changing business environment like implementing new visa regulations in the tour plan
Business analyst has to understand these needs along with other important aspect of business and organization like company departments, key stakeholders, important processes (example – Hotel booking, train booking, tour planning etc), customer segments(Individuals, companies etc), external agencies (vendors, partners) etc. Business need is then translated into ‘Business requirements’. These are high level requirements about what business wants in order to satisfy its business needs. Example can be ‘ All offices, including offices in small cities should be able to book tours online’, ‘A system should be created to store and access customers data, his travel history and all vendor’s data for quickly creating travel options’ etc.
Once business requirements are formalized, then business analyst needs to further detail out these requirements by having rigorous interactions with all stakeholders like Tour manager, booking agent, sales head, accounts head etc in this case. This is an ‘Elicitation’ phase. Business analyst needs to understand the ‘functional requirements’ – what the software is supped to do. For example – Software should maintain data of all customers, their bookings. It should automatically calculate all the tour prices etc. Next part of requirements is ‘User requirements’ means what each user should be able to do with the software. For example a front desk officer should be able to make entry of a travelers and their travel preferences, Tour manger should be able to create, view and track the detailed itinerary for his tour etc.
Additionally, ‘non-functional requirements’ which denote the behavioral part of the system are also detailed. Example is the performance requirement like response time of the system when a customer searches for the tour options on company’s website.
Another part of requirements is ‘Transition requirements’ which detail out what all needs to be done prior to implementing new system. Example – all the existing customer and tour data needs to be migrated to new system, employee hierarchy for different approvals needs to be created etc.
This requirements elicitation and documentation is done iteratively. Requirements are detailed out by business analyst, and then reviewed and approved by all stakeholders in multiple cycles.
Requirements are documented and arranged in different ways like ‘Use case’ to document user transaction, ‘business process diagrams’ to document different business processes, their sequence, inputs and outputs, ‘Software requirement specifications’ to detail out the expectations from the software which satisfies all the functional and non-functional requirements, ‘interface diagrams’ to denote interactions between different systems or modules.
Business analyst having a strong domain knowledge, requirements elicitation and documentation skills, effective communication skill is the most crucial team member here. These clear, unambiguous, detailed requirements then form the basis of entire software development process.

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