Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Why and When Automation Testing?

Why Automation?

Test automation can improve the development process of a software product in many cases. The automation of tests is initially associated with increased effort, but the related benefits will quickly pay off.
The main reasons why automation needful-
·         Poor test strategy
·         Delay in testing
·         underestimated effort of test case generation
·         subsequent test maintenance
Automation increases test coverage. Testing of different web application can possible on different platforms easily. Automation allows performing different types of testing effectively.

When Automation?
Automate your testing procedure when you have lot of regression work.
·         Automate your load testing work for creating virtual users to check load capacity of your application.
·         Automate your testing work when your GUI is almost frozen but you have lot of frequently functional changes.

Instead of relying 100% on either manual or automation use the best combination of manual and automation testing. This is the best solution (I think) for every project. Automation suite will not find all the bugs and cannot be a replacement for real testers. Ad-hoc testing is also necessary in many cases.

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